Saturday, 17 March 2012

** HoLi ** - The Festival of Colors

A Wondrous day, where the Entire Country lets down
their social guard, (rules-structure-norm) and
Giant Water fights, Paint fights, Dance parties in the street, Music, Laughter and Rainbows of color in every corner.

(this above picture is from Delhi- and not where I was for Holi- but I put it on here just to give you a visual of what 'The Festival of Colors' really means)

Krisjah and I went out to join the fun. The second I left my hotel room, I was ky-boshed in the street by a gang of 5 men and paints. They held my arms down and poured Bright pink, yellow and blue paint all over me. Aiming specifically for my head. 
- There was no say in the matter- I was instantly 'Holi' !

Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season, on the last full moon of the lunar month Phalguna (Feb/March) In most areas the celebrations lasts about two days. It has a strong Hindu belief behind the festival but it is said that it originated as a celebration for the coming of Spring- Welcoming in new life and new colors. 

Entire cities shut down for the day of Holi  - so the day before you want to stock up on colors. Go to the local market and buy bags of bright powdered paint, where then you can either toss the powder on your victim of choice or mix it with water and have a liquid attack...

dum Dum DUMMMMM!

Krisjah getting his 'Holi' on

Tourists joining in on the fun.
*Caution- Blondes Beware- the paint will likely permanently stain your hair.
Even today (weeks later) I've seen formally blonde persons walking around with a pink/yellow head.

The Indians just laugh and say 'You're very Holi!'

This is my Vogue pose.

My friend Kevin.
His bald head wore the colors fantastically.

Serious Face

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