Friday, 10 February 2012

Temple of Krishna

While in Hampi, we went a Templin'.
In the centre on the Temple of Krishna, are dozens of hallow pillars, that you can Tap, and it will produce a perfect note. This part was blocked off, but I finagled my way with the guards (aka; batted my eyelashes...and paid them off-- lol), and got let in.
I am cheaky one...
I tapped, and the pillars Om'ed in various tones.

Anyways, these pillars were amazing- and not unlike the pillars I visited in the Yucatan some years ago, when I went with Terry and Jeananne (if you're reading!). There, they would gong the pillars, and the vibration produced would be so intense, that you could lean your back you against it and receive 'an ancient form of chiropractics'... spinal adjustments, healings and so forth.
Interesting how ancient temples in India and caves in Mexico, from completely different time periods, have remarkably similar structures.
It's amazing the healing power of the Earth...
When we Tune In.

1 comment:


    THIS IS BEAUTIFUL, thank you for sharing!.
    Logan mentioned your blog to me, thought i would check it.

    ((( ♥ )))
